So yeah I got an iPhone, and I know that that makes me suspect and not to be trusted in many ways, but hey I was still rocking some piece of shit razr knockoff that I got purely because it had metal hinges and I am awesome at breaking stuff that is worth money. So give me some slack.
So far the things that have been most utilized have been a ton of bizarro music creation things that are pretty good at helping you avoid conversations and stare blankly into your lap while you tap madly on a touch screen. (Uh btw if you want to be as socially awkward as I am, I recommend the free version of and Tonepad Lite and RJDJ which is just incredibly geek cool).
But when I am not alienating those around me (ok maybe just in a different way) by far the most vital piece of APPLE IPHONE MOBILE DEVICE APP SOFTWARE PRODUCT is Shazam. Which, if you live under a rock somewhere is a free thing that listens to whatever music is playing and identifies the song and artist. With the help of this, I hope to finally realize my dream of not being the dude that flips out and abandons conversations to go see what is playing on the jukebox, or writes little scrawled time and date info on his hands in order to check the radio playlist when I get near a computer at the expense of the safety of other motorists/pedestrians/people sitting on roadside patios or low-elevation front porches.
So I thought I'd share one of these things with you. First up is The Knux - Bang! Bang!. Now, being a professional blogger dedicated to my craft, I have since done research and know that lots of blogs are all atwitter (I refuse to stop using that word just because of that whole social networking thing, so shut up) about the Knux, and I am sure that all the backpacker hunters out there are just frothing at the mouth to denounce these dudes, but due to my security in my TOTAL TASTEMAKER SUPERIORITY, I know that they are wrong. I've heard a bunch of Outkast references, because the one guy has sort of a thing going on that is momentarily similar to Andre 3000 and dudes that write about music on the internet (that aren't Dan or I of course) are notoriously lazy and too busy counting their monetized piles of gold Bloggerands to think and stuff. What gets me about this song is the weird industrial throwback at the beginning and the non-annoying jinglejangle guitar stabs (you listening out there late 90's Depeche Mode?) and the cadence of the vocals getting punctuated by that awesome noodly synth.
On a different take, Future Of The Left just keeps getting better and is basically the only rock band that matters anymore so the rest of you can kind of just quit if you like. I spent about an hour trying to figure out how to make an optimum ringtone out of "You Need Satan More Than He Needs You", but slicing out 30 seconds was impossible so now I just play the whole song in public places and afterwards have a pretend conversation with my imaginary friends.
Finally, it would be remiss of me to post a blog without mentioning Michael Jackson, so I present the finest song ever written about falling in love with a rodent. In case you think that I am the kind of asshole that isn't totally bummed out about MJ passing away (oh hey whats up DUDE WHO WAS HIS DAD you heartless money-grabbing cock) I think this is his most achingly shiver-inducing beautiful vocal ever, and this song has made me tear up a little every time I've heard it this week. Goodnight you sad, strange little child man - your weird life will never overshadow the greatness of your music.
Not going to post a link for you to check out Michael Jackson because I respect you too much to insult your intelligence, but as a super-weirdo bonus, I bring you THIS
Coint & Plick 2011 109b: Brink
13 years ago