(EDIT: I have unsuccessfully attempted to use two different animated GIFs of figures dancing as the launching pad for this blog post. Now that the second one appears to have died, I officially give up. Congratulations, interweb; you win! Now my barely-lucid ramblings make absolutely no sense whatsoever! KUDOS)
See this dancing GIF? (EDIT: No, you don't, because people are fuckers. Grrr.) See the Youtube embed of "Telephasic Workshop" by Boards of Canada underneath it? These two things, when put together, create a very minimalist multimedia experience that is simultaneously pedestrian and sublime; these days, practically anybody could slap these together after a rudimentary tutorial, but this fact glosses over the impressive technological advances that make these mundane, silly things work. It's something that the modern web crusader is likely to gloss over; I know that I do often enough. Those moments when I release myself from my jaded pose and appreciate the minor joys available from finding and combining things like this are more precious to me than I normally like to admit; it's a window back into childhood, when everything was worthy of marvelling at it for hours and you had to work to be disappointed by the things you encountered. I'm rapidly approaching 40; by all rights I've outgrown that naivety and have cemented my place as an adult doing my best to make a name for himself. This makes me even more grateful when I can find something simple and stupid to make me forget about my adult worries for a moment and just smile for a while.
Also, Home Girl really is totally getting down to this beat (EDIT: Not that you can see it, or the dancing skeleton that was originally there. Fucking technology.) (as she should, and you should too because it is YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS).